Module on Flash Learning Objects


In this module you learned how to customize the learning interactions in a quiz template to create an online assessment instrument. Let's look back at the specific tasks that you learned:

    1. Opening a quiz template
    2. Modifying the Welcome and Results screens
    3. Configuring the quiz options
    4. Configuring the Drag and Drop Interaction
    5. Customizing the Drag and Drop Interaction
    6. Renaming Drag and Target objects
    7. Adding a Drag object
    8. Associating new Drag and Target objects
    9. Deleting unwanted learning interactions

The lessons started out simple enough, but once we got into configuring and customizing, things got more complicated--or at least more detailed.

Final Assignment

For your final assignment, you'll need to apply what you've learned to finish the quiz. To make things easier, I've put together a Flash file that has everything you need. All you have to do is download the file and use Flash (MX or 8) to: